Friday, February 27, 2015


     It was long before she worried about the woman parts of her body; and long before I was stung and embarrassed when my father said “grow up”. Some worried we spent so much time together walking away from the subdivision. But, it was long before what even we might call Love was lost. We were kids. We were explorers. And the world was all long trail, outward, and away from where we always played alone. You were shy. So was I. We didn’t touch but lived in a spiral, in a place where we were intimate. We had secret code-words, and pet names, and curiosity unexplored. We held hands, not much; not because it symbolized anything, but because we were new and filling our hearts with one another. This was the first time. And the time which never returned.

     When you look back down that trail and see those two, me and you, who were so innocent, it seems impossible that you were ever so small and fresh. Impossible that I was so open. That we experienced a world together before the world as we know it now slowly became guarded behind expectations of others.
     Can we scrub away the layers of the years and make ourselves expectant to be discovered? Can a heart become a virgin frontier? Can first love ever be found once the first love has gone its separate way? Can we become untouched? Can there be an old frontier of the heart? A once and never tenderness longing to be explored?

     I found this old memory in my heart. A joy not used up. You and a photo and old longings set aside. Strolls down paths which no longer exist and could not be found. That lead…? Our lives have made the frontier between us like Briar Rose’s hedge: dense, complex, thorny.
Anyway. What do I want, really? I don’t want to interrupt your life. I don’t desire to bring pain. I just want to know if you would smile that long time ago innocent smile if you saw me. The one you smiled when my squeaky old bike came up the hill and you heard it, turned and waved.

© Copyright 2015, Jean W. Yeager
All Rights Reserved

Jan – June 2014 threesimplequestions Blog Posts
Are Available In Book Form 
"Th3 Simple Questions: Slice Open Everyday Life" 
Available at
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By WestBow Press
6x9 Perfect Bound Softcover @ $11.95
ISBN: 978-1-4908-7124-0
6x9 Dust Jacket Hardcover @ $28.95
ISBN: 978-1-4908-7125-7
E-Book @ $3.99
ISBN: 978-1-4908-7123-3

Thursday, February 5, 2015


     I am a very quick thinking person. I am smart. Brilliant, actually. I am opinionated. In my opinion, I know what to do. I know the RIGHT thing to do. The correct thing to do about any problem – ANY problem, big or small, can be successfully solved if people would simply do as I say.
     It is so inconvenient that the Divine Right to Rule has been done away with. God gave me this gift of intelligence and so I ought to be in charge. The problem we have that slows down our group process is that the group has this idea that they are equal to me.
I have reminded them that we would save so much time if everyone looked to me for leadership. You wouldn't believe the looks on their faces. Oh, well, what do you expect - groundlings.
     Every time we have a meeting and a question arises, I am there to give them the answer about what to do. That’s my duty as the smartest, and FASTEST one in the group. It very quickly becomes clear to me about what to do, it ought to be clear to them, too. Maybe not. But I am always hopeful.
     So I restate the question as I see it, and I remind them of their mistakes in the past, and give them the answer about what to do today. Then they ignore me. Can you believe it!? I begin telling them how WRONG they are. They get offended with the TRUTH! I toss the correct answer out there – a cute cuddly kitten of a solution to the problem. I give them the correct answer! What, in my opinion ought to be done. It ought to be WELCOMED and adopted by the group IMMEDIATELY! Cuddled and petted. But, No-o. It dies. They ignore the CORRECT ANSWER! Dead. It just lies there like a dead cat in the middle of the table - cold, stiff, untouchable.
      Then they all go on talking about the problem as if what just happened, never happened. They have KILLED the correct answer and everybody KNOWS it’s the correct answer.

     I only want what Woody Allen said he wanted: “A mass outpouring of love from a grateful nation.”
     I went away from the last meeting carrying my dead kitty when a group member slipped up to me and said three words: “Things work out.”
     What did that mean?
     Apparently it meant that whether or not I solved problems quickly, and tossed pretty kitties onto the table (which the meeting ignored and they died of cruel neglect), the group went ahead and eventually made decisions.
     Things worked out – without me.  Yeah, dumb decisions were made without me!
     So, I did a clever, well thought out thing: I went to the next meeting and I put my fingers over my mouth. It looked like I was deep in thought, but I was really holding my lips closed, holding myself back and I watched the meeting progress.
They talked and they talked! Endlessly they offered one bad idea after another. Half-baked ideas. Sure failures. One or two sparklers which nobody recognized. But, everybody had their say.  And, eventually, the group dropped into thoughtful silence, maybe not thoughtful but they were quiet. It was the moment for a solution to arise. Aha!
From under the table, I brought forth my good idea, the correct solution. I just put it on the table AFTER everyone had exhausted their pea-brains and shut up. The timing was appropriate. My answer actually cleverly incorporated bits of everyone’s bad ideas into a new, elegant solution.
Now, things worked out – with me!

© Copyright 2015, Jean W. Yeager
All Rights Reserved

Jan – June 2014 threesimplequestions Blog Posts
Are Available In Book Form 
"Th3 Simple Questions: Slice Open Everyday Life" 
Available at
Available at Internet Retailers 
By WestBow Press
6x9 Perfect Bound Softcover @ $11.95
ISBN: 978-1-4908-7124-0
6x9 Dust Jacket Hardcover @ $28.95
ISBN: 978-1-4908-7125-7
E-Book @ $3.99
ISBN: 978-1-4908-7123-3

Monday, February 2, 2015


     Better to know if you are a star or a planet.
     Do you revolve around others? Do they hold you in some sort of emotional gravitational system? Do they care for you? Or, do they “use” you to feed their spin?
     Or, are you the one around which others move? How are you with that relationship? Are you caring, loving and responsible for those who are following? Or do you get off on ordering them around?
     Is your light reflected light like that of a planet? Or is it like the combustion of stars? Are you the one who has the capacity to generate the warmth, the brilliance, the new ideas, or insights? Are you the one who can reflect or mirror back the innovations so that others can pick them up and make them happen?

     Are you the one who has received the big picture? Or are you the one to communicate about that big picture?
     Maybe you are the one that knows the deep history of that big picture – what happened when, what went wrong, what was exceptional? Or, are you the one who can reflect on the now – the how the big picture is going today?
     Maybe you take charge and act and get things done to accomplish that big picture, don’t mind the tussle, like to test someone by challenging them? Or, do you want to make sure that everyone working to achieve the big picture has the support they need? You care and you show it.
     Maybe you put it all together: you get the big picture, have the capacity and flexibility to take on any one of these roles, even for a short period of time. Good on you.

The stars are the ones who can generate the light, the insight, the imaginations that are important and which we wish to follow. Most stars can’t receive insights or do what they imagine. Standing in and reflective the light of a star is no negative thing. Great stars never forget where and who the support planets which comprise their solar system really are.
Great planets are the ones who make it possible for a star's light to become alive and both create time and create love. 
As the childhood rhyme goes: "Star light, star bright, first star that I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight."

© Copyright 2015, Jean W. Yeager
All Rights Reserved

Jan – June 2014 threesimplequestions Blog Posts
Are Available In Book Form 
"Th3 Simple Questions: Slice Open Everyday Life" 
Available at
Available at Internet Retailers 
By WestBow Press
6x9 Perfect Bound Softcover @ $11.95
ISBN: 978-1-4908-7124-0
6x9 Dust Jacket Hardcover @ $28.95
ISBN: 978-1-4908-7125-7
E-Book @ $3.99
ISBN: 978-1-4908-7123-3