A first visit to this blog lasts 15-seconds, enough to read a
Tweet-length of words. If visitors don’t see what they’re longing for, they go!
About now, 140 characters.
What are they looking
for? What are they not finding?
Search Engine
Optimization (SEO) says “tag” your blog with “popular” words, meaning words
people are looking or longing for. Words about what they lack, words about
themselves! We want a little more me in >144 character increments.
Our heart has a 50 –
90 beats per minute systole and diastole. We drink in our venous blood, filled
with the needs and longings of our body. Lungs oxygenate blood with our breath
of life, nourishment from our gut. Receiving. Sensing. Longing. Revelation. Our
hearts and our bodies live on longing.
The Oracle at Delphi
asked a mini-Tweet-length question spawning deep, deep introspection: “Oh man,
know thou thyself!” We long to know ourselves. Who do I say I am? Wasn’t it The
Christ who said, “Who do they say I am?”
We long to be sacred to one
another. Even the Pope asks a total stranger to “Pray for me!” Does this mean
the Pope knows that people usually don’t pray for the Pope? Probably not if we
think that a Pope is perfect and doesn’t need to be on anybody’s prayer chain.
What are we not
finding? What is the missing piece we are longing for? To somehow connect in
some way?
We think we live our lives from past to future. We are conscious
during our days and so therefore we think that our life moves from morning to
night. Our life is a seamless chain of events that make perfectly good sense
and appears as an orderly sequence of cause and effect.
If you review your
life backwards, starting from this present moment and going toward the
beginning of the day, you will see that, every night you sleep. While you
sleep, there are hours of incoherence and unconsciousness. Hours that don’t fit
in the sequence of your consciousness, but, your mind so longs for consistency that
it conveniently overlooks the incoherence. We do this during waking hours, too.
We make up facts to fit our biases and overlook the reality that does not fit
with the way we believe the facts should be ordered.
If you think backwards
and review each day in this fashion, in reverse (called a ruckshaű), you may be
surprised to see that there is much more going on in your day than you are
aware of when you whiz by in your ordinary consciousness.
You might even find one
of two of the missing pieces you’re longing for. Here comes instantaneous
doubt. But, why not? After all, if you knew where to find what you’re longing
fotr, you’d go there rather than fooling around here, right?
Our feelings are landfills of 15-second longings, fears and
disappointments. We long to be touched, to find meaning, to end the aloneness,
to be sacred to one another. Yet, we fear what we do not know, have not
experienced. We have not trusted for so long we are weak and doubt arises
But, rhythm replaces
strength. A rhythm is born between writer and reader, between writer and the
imaginary world, between reader and them selves.
We live on the longing for one
another, you and I - even though we have never met. You wished that this blog
was what you were longing for, otherwise you would not have invested
15-seconds. If you come back, you will spend another 15-seconds and then leave,
disappointed in one way yet expecting nothing less. But, hang on!
Rhythm, no matter how insignificant
or meaningless, might of itself be another missing piece you are longing for. Come
back and fail again, do that often enough, and the rhythm may become the heart
of a new relationship based on mutual longing.
“Live, long, and prosper.”
© Copyright 2016, Jean W. Yeager
All Rights Reserved
The first six months of the The Three Simple Questions bLog is available in book form!
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