These tests are not so simple as they were back then.
I will need some brushing up on the Laws and Promises.
And, I will need to start doing a "Good Turn Daily." (Somehow, that kinda slipped away from me, oh, golly four decades ago.)
And all the Laws? Haven't thought about those lately. Trustworthy, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful (really, Cheerful?)...
God knows what is going to happen if I am actually able to complete these Tenderfoot Tests; and transform myself, learn to tie that taught-line knot again, and go so far as to present myself to a local Scoutmaster with an application so I can be re-registered as an official Tenderfoot.
To become a Tenderfoot Scout, you must be at least 11 years
of age and pass the following tests before your Scoutmaster (or an adult
assigned by him):
Repeat from memory the Scout Oath (or Promise),
the 12 points of the Scout Law, the Scout motto, and the Scout slogan. Explain
the meaning of each in your own words:
by “points of the
Scout Law” is meant the point itself such as “A Scout is loyal” and not the
point plus the explanatory material. However, the boy should be able to
describe in his own words the full meaning of the explanatory material under
each point of the Law.
Give the Scout sign, salute and hand clasp.
Explain their meaning.
Describe the parts of the Scout uniform. Tell
when and where not to wear the Scout uniform.
Describe the Scout badge and the meaning of each
of its parts.
Describe the flag of the United States of
America until its history in brief. Demonstrate respect for your flag by
showing how to hoist, lower, display, fold, and salute it. Tell when to fly it.
Whip the ends of a rope at least ¼ inch in
diameter. Tie correctly to ropes of the same size together with a square knot.
Join ropes of different sizes with a sheet bend. Tie a rope to a rail with a
clove hitch. Attach a rope to a post or rail with two half inches. Tie a
bowline around your waist. Tie a taut- line hitch on a rope under tension.
Read the Outdoor Code. Tell how you will try to
use it in the hiking and camping you will do as a Scout.
The intent of this
test is to introduce the boy to the principles of conservation and the
importance of every Scout respecting all of nature. Emphasis should be placed
on care with fire, proper use of knife and asked, problems caused by disturbing
sod and topsoil, and general outdoor courtesy.
Explain the name of the patrol you will joint
and give its call or yell. Discuss the importance of your patrol to your Scout
Review briefly the things you will do to become
a Second Class Scout. Give the Scoutmaster your application and fee so he can register
you as a Boy Scout. After you have been registered, take the Scout Oath (or
Promise) and the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United State of
America at a ceremony in the presence of your fellow Scouts.
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