Tuesday, January 21, 2025

DONALL TRUMPETTE, THE U.S.'s 'MINI-ME' AND “TRUMP-O RICO” - An Excerpt From "MORALIC ACID- Truth and Satire"- eBOOK NOW $0.99

THE U.S.s Mini Me

Now that the secret FBI emails are being released, Donnall Trumpette is sure that his existence will be revealed.
I am Donall Trumpette, “DonaldLarge Me’s Mini-Me”.
Do not misunderstand. I may be smaller than DonaldLarge Me in height, but I have a much, much larger frontal cortex than DonaldLarge Me.
I pack the brains, he packs a big mouth and large, signature-style hair. (It is not a comb-over, it is a Trump-over.)
I played a very LARGE role in the DonaldLarge Me campaign and now in the White House while DonaldLarge Me is, of course, playing an extraordinarily super-sized role in the advancement of all mankind!

I carry a 3”X5” card in my wallet on which I make careful, tiny notations, of DonaldLarge Me’s contribution to the species. This is not about “survival” of the fittest, we’re way beyond that. DonaldLarge Me is much larger than Darwinian thinking! DonaldLarge Me is advancing the species!
His unmatched personal capacities make him the model human being against which all others will be measured. He’s big... really big. Just ask us.
He can’t help but make America Great Again, it is what will happen in his vapor trail! Greatness. Total BigGreatness. AltGreatness as Kellhyann would say. Why, DonaldLarge Me’s aroma makes America smell nice again. And, he makes Canada and Mexico smell better, too. All of North America smells nice because of him. It is Eau de Trump-o, the smell of richness, the vapor trail of success.

DonaldLarge Me is accused of hating Mexicans, Syrians, Muslims, people he fires on the Apprentice, people throws out of his rallies, and a few million others.
Nothing is further from the Truth. The Truth is that DonaldLarge Me has said over and over again that he LOVES Mexicans. He hires them! He LOVES Muslims! He has a Trump Tower in Saudi. He LOVES everyone!
 As Donnall Trumpette, DonaldLarge Me’s Mini-Me, I can tell you that DonaldLarge me is BIG on loving! BIG! America will be great again when everyone else loves as much as DonaldLarge Me!
No other candidate had a Mini-Me, except for DonaldLarge Me right?
When you elected DonaldLarge Me, America became so great that our country needed a Mini-Me, too! A U.S. Mini-Me!
I suggested that DonaldLarge Me simply designate Puerto Rico as America’s Mini-Me!
How’s that? DonaldLarge Me loves the Puerto Ricans (they’re not Mexicans, right?). And, Puerto Rico is up for sale! So, DonaldLarge Me will cut a deal with Congress to tow P.R. up here and park it right outside of New York City harbor, a short walk from Trump Tower, just like the Chinese are doing off Japan. Why not?
It will be renamed Trump-o Rico! DonaldLarge Me has agreed everyone will do the Mini-Me Pinky Kiss to get onto Trump-o Rico. Residents will have their hair dyed like DonaldLarge Me.
This is really something to look forward to! He told me that he was in love with my little idea!

MORALIC ACID Satire & Truth MORALIC CATALYST: 2015-2016 Political bLog Posts

A collection of biting political satire in small doses like moralic acid, and truth like a moralic catalyst for change. These drew thousands of hits as blog posts. "I Am The Tongue Of The Liar", "Dick Cheney's Brain Wants To Run For President," "Trump-O-Rico - The U.S.'s 'Mini Me'", "Lighting Alt Farts", " "Jam Tomorrow Says The White Queen", "Authoritarian Eyes", "Niccolo Machiavelli and Resurrection Forces", "B'rer Sanders and The Tar (Sands) Baby", and more!

Ebook FOR SALE @ $0.99


Sunday, January 5, 2025


  I am someone who believes that there is way too much “Moralic Acid” being thrown around today and what we need is to be inspired to add “Moralic Catalyst.”

  The term ‘Moralic Acid” was coined by Frederiche Nietzsche (1844-1900) to describe a process of getting free of oppressive moral influences the type of which guided many moralistic social movements of the 19th century.

  According to H.L. Mencken, Nietzsche said that these organizations “thought morally” and judged people as either “good or bad.” And, they had a “moral way of acting” economically, politically and socially as well through such movements as: “Temperance”, “Social Purity“(birth control), “Eugenics” and Anti-Suffrage.

  Nietzsche was all about individual freedom. He said that these groups were a “moralic acid” because they dissolved individual freedom through their actions.


  “Moralic Acid” is again at play by groups who insist on applying their “morality” to everyone. “Moral behavior” to them is whatever they wish to do based on their religious beliefs. This applies to individuals, small groups, political parties, states, countries; all of whom are “morally justified” to take action against anyone else who is not within the sect, church, or philosophical “stream.”  

  Their morality fuels behavior through which they seek to get obedience of those “others” to their particular creed. Today “Moralic Acid” groups are working economically into public politics in states like Indiana so that discriminatory actions may be legally permitted because of “freedom” to have your own “religious morality”, and is politically armed as in the case of Sunni vs. Shiite Muslims. This positional thinking justified by morality” is at work around the world.

  Now that “Moralic Acid” has surfaced again, it is time for us to call it what it is – Morality used as a toxic weapon as justification for abuse unto death of others.

  In life, acid causes living micro-organisms to pull back from it in the physical situation. In community life, “Moralic Acid” does the same. It causes people to flee the social situation or get burned.


  I would like us to apply a “Moralic Catalyst” to combat the over abundance of “Moralic Acid”. A catalyst is a substance which when added to a chemical composition, causes a profound change to the mixture without itself becoming part of the mixture. Many times it causes a separation of ingredients.

  Nietzsche’s solution was to push toward individual freedom, power and perfection. If one became a “Superman”, one would be above “Moralic Acid”. The mixture of power and individuality in the hands of “moral” extremists did not work out so well in Nazi Germany.

  Perhaps we need less power to individuals whose morality takes away freedom and we need a catalytic element of community-based morality. 

  A “Moralic Catalyst” containing community moral ideas such as mutuality, forgiveness, tolerance, and respect will balance and neutralize out the "Moralic Acid." These are catalytic elements which may change the dynamic in the current Moralic turmoil in any community. Add them to debates and confrontations. They are the substance of Love.

  We need to add the Substance of Love – and soon.

© Copyright 2015, Jean W. Yeager

All Rights Reserved


MORALIC ACID Satire & Truth MORALIC CATALYST: 2015-2016 Political bLog Posts

A collection of biting political satire in small doses like moralic acid, and truth like a moralic catalyst for change. These drew thousands of hits as blog posts. "I Am The Tongue Of The Liar", "Dick Cheney's Brain Wants To Run For President," "Trump-O-Rico - The U.S.'s 'Mini Me'", "Lighting Alt Farts", " "Jam Tomorrow Says The White Queen", "Authoritarian Eyes", "Niccolo Machiavelli and Resurrection Forces", "B'rer Sanders and The Tar (Sands) Baby", and more!

ON SALE NOW @ $0.99



I AM THE TONGUE OF THE LIAR - An Excerpt From "MORALIC ACID: Satire and Truth" - Ebook now $0.99

Originally published in 2014 - but seems relevant these days.

     I am the tongue of the Liar and I am the best in the business. Some say our lineage goes back to the snake that lied about the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. If I were to say “that’s a lie!” then you could count on it. God looks to our lineage to deliver and since then we have lied for and against just about everything. Every clan, tribe, country, religion and corporation needs an experienced tongue now and then. Who do you think was in FDR’s mouth and uttered those memorable words, “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.” Great delivery if I do say so myself. How about this one: “Weapons of Mass Destruction.” At the U.N.!  Or, “too big to fail”. You see, it’s not the lie, it’s the tongue of the Liar.  It’s how it rolls off the tongue that makes the difference. Everybody knew Churchill, W and the Fed were lying – there was no doubt. What saved the day was the tongue that told those MONSTROUS, the IMPOSSIBLE lies. Not every tongue can rise to the level of the impossible when needed. It’s a gift.

     It’s a great era to be the tongue of a liar! A Golden Age. An age of massive lies. Do we doubt Genocide and Global Warming?  Every day I make the rounds of the news “outlets”, like a mall, right?. Some carry one kind of story. Another set of “outlets” carry the opposite. My guy surrounds himself with small minds so they can’t deliver the big messages. That’s MY job - to bring the BIG DEAL. My guy starts an interview and he smiles and pauses, he’s on the launch pad with one easy softball question, like he’s actually thinking (as if), and suddenly I’m running down this narrow mental alley-way between “what is” and “what is not” and he’s caring nothing for his reputation or the international repercussions. Then I realize we have to totally change the game – tell the GRAND LIE, a GENERATIONAL lie! A lie so large and so all encompassing that it takes in the last 50 years of history about a specific topic and flips it on it’s head. The lie is so outrageous they don’t respond they just report. Said often enough and with sincerity, the GRAND LIE is not a negative.

     Besides the BIG lies that move countries and generations, I like the intimate lie. The lovers lie, the leader’s lie. Sweet lies about glory – your glory. Those earnest looks and whispered promises. The touching, the hand shake held for a few moments longer than necessary – to show intention. The shoulder touch. I tell you that he knows what you want. He’s listened to you.  You’re not alone.  He’s here for you, protecting you.  The direct one-on-one eye-contact. The motivating word from his mouth – a great looking mouth. I tell you this will be dangerous – very dangerous. We won’t let this fail – but it will take YOUR effort. You’re so close you watch his mouth, watch the words roll off of me and his determined chin. He’s a person of flesh and blood and I tell you he’s relying on you – we’re ALL relying on you. He smells good and your nose wouldn’t lie about a thing like that. His heart beats good and pure – like your heart. You believe him. You will do as he asks – even though it is very, VERY dangerous “...and you may lose your life. But the cause is worth it.” says the tongue of the Liar quoting my ancestor, the snake.

© Copyright 2014, Jean W. Yeager
All Rights Reserved.




MORALIC ACID Satire & Truth MORALIC CATALYST: 2015-2016 Political bLog Posts

A collection of biting political satire in small doses like moralic acid, and truth like a moralic catalyst for change. These drew thousands of hits as blog posts. "I Am The Tongue Of The Liar", "Dick Cheney's Brain Wants To Run For President," "Trump-O-Rico - The U.S.'s 'Mini Me'", "Lighting Alt Farts", " "Jam Tomorrow Says The White Queen", "Authoritarian Eyes", "Niccolo Machiavelli and Resurrection Forces", "B'rer Sanders and The Tar (Sands) Baby", and more!

Ebook FOR SALE @ $0.99
