Tuesday, February 9, 2021



“Some say the heart is just like a wheel, if you bend it, you just can’t mend it.” Some say the heart is just like the sun, brightly raying and enthusiastic. Some say the heart is just like a young girl doing cartwheels across the lawn on a spring evening. Some say the heart is just like a fist, clenched tight, pounding on the chest, ready to strike. Some say the heart is like an infant ready to be born, tender, vulnerable, open to the future. Some say the heart is like a prisoner in lock-down, in seclusion shouting all night. Some say the heart is two halves, two palms outstretched to receive, open like an empty skull.



Some say the heart is here to be a mechanical pump. Some say it is here to break and ache in youthful rawness. Some say the heart is the foot-warmer of the gods, to create naive enthusiasm for the cold, cold heavens. Some say the heart is to warm others with generosity. Some say the heart is here to touch and be touched with tenderness. Some say the heart is here to create joy, to hold the delicate place where all creativity begins.

Some say the heart is the place which knows rather than thinks. Some say the heart is predatory, cold, hard and lusting – the home of broken promises. Some say the heart bears our sorrows. Some say the heart is the place where our blood runs cold with fear and dread. The place of anger, rage, blame and retribution. The heart shows no mercy to the eyes.



The heart wants to rhythmically give and take in what is called loving mutuality. The heart sends you on journeys which your brain never could have imagined. The heart weaves a web of mutuality to others including your enemies. The heart wants the pride of ownership of your share of the world but, once possessed the heart seeks humility and, wants you to guard against lust and vanity. In this way, the heart wants you to sacrifice yourself for yourself and for your brothers and sisters ruthlessly.

The heart wants you to experience the eternal moment between systole and diastole which is the doorway to the mystical.


© Copyright 2014, Jean W. Yeager

All Rights Reserved

AUTHOR SITE –  www.th3simplequestions.com

AMAZON AUTHOR SITE: http://tinyurl.com/jk9a6e7


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