I am 1-billion Facebook users, 5.5 million
Twitter users whose Tweets or posts flow through our Technological Social Media
arteries. My virtual friends “share” items that flow through my Social Media
accounts. Because my “friends” are “friends” to others who are “friends” to
others, and so on to others; I imagine the sense of “self” of this largest
group is a giant cultural bloodstream of real-time, unedited, and uncontrolled
messaging. After all, the theory of “3-degrees of separation” might be in play
here. Friend-to-friend, post-by-post we “share”
with one another good things and bad things: nice celebrations, reports of wrongs
by governmental agencies, pictures of my vacation, death by cops, violence and
corporate greed; incidents which none of us individually, our family, or
friends, can control in any way. We are really sharing cultural powerlessness.
We are powerless over what technology reports, and in some cases causes to
happen in and to our culture.
In many ways, we are powerless over our own
bodies as well. In the physical disease of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
(AIDS) the body’s capacity to resist “foreign” cells or “infection” fails
because the number of white (defensive) blood cells is diminished. The white
blood cells defend the overall system by going to all of the cells in the body
and determining which are “me” and which are “not me” (foreign). The white
blood cells destroy the “not me” cells (the infection) and protect the
integrity of the body.
What plays out day-to-day in Technological Social
Media are reports of political gridlocks, terrorist attacks, protests, fear
over anger, and hatred which go against our personal values, ideals or morals
which once we shared with genuine friends before “virtual friends”. That’s what
made them friends. We shared values and priorities. Once it was genuine and real. Now it is pretense.
is no technological “white blood cell” mechanism (no Technological Immune
System) to test whether or not the things flowing along via Social Media are
“me” (my values) and they go unfiltered and unchecked directly into my
consciousness. Many are false posts. Some are real ads. Some are lies consciously
planted by provocateurs who wish we would buy their “remedy” to the fear they
promote, support their “cause” so they can “save” us, or work for someone else.
This media stream is overloading my heart.
Sometimes I feel revulsion, sometimes my “friends” say they are going out to
buy guns, sometimes I get a dose of fear, my heart grows hard, my capacity to
know my community as genuine “Friends” is compromised, my life is gerrymandered
away by foreign (“not me”) forces. I am losing my strength. Am I suffering from
technological Social Media AIDS?
The French Revolution happened within a
society when one sub-culture within that country was overwhelmed by the values
and priorities of another, more dominant culture. The peasants got out their
technology – the guillotine - in order to eliminate the overly pernicious,
fiercely greedy, aristocracy. They performed “Cultural Surgery”. It was a
revolution that instituted the “rights of men.” “All the Kings horses and all
the Kings men could not put Humpty-French-Monarchy together again.”
don’t have Monarchy – we have Corporatism. Technological Social Media serves
Corporations and the message flow down the technological arteries show that the
“old order” of “me” values like citizenship, brotherhood, equality, and civic
power is being swamped or infected by economic priorities, partisan values, and
sectarianism. Regardless of which cultural values you treasure, you probably
rarely see yours reflected on technological Social Media. We are unraveling.
When you treat actual AIDS you may find
that the amount of medicine and its power may kill the patient. Treating
technological Social Media AIDS, if such a thing were possible, maybe so
painful and require such sacrifices many citizens would object, the same way “loyalists”
defend the “crown” in previous revolutions.
Those in control, sometimes called
“tyrants”, never want to lose control, and so respond, gain strength and push
back against any attempt to curtail their power. The AIDS virus actually
degenerates all parts of the body to feed itself. The Social Media AIDS will do
the same.
Resist the urge to blame: we are not the
only “Social” who have chosen to use “Social Media”. The Media serves multiple
corporations, governmental agencies, international states, and their paid
provocateurs, who are your and my friends and relatives. Data gathering, based on words we use is
shared to marketers and Governmental Security agencies. So, there are very
large, powerful entities who value technological Social Media and they arise from
multiple directions at once. But, this is only technology. You control all
technologies by using the “off” switch. Or, you can change the dynamics in the
technological stream by flooding social media with messages of other principles and values. You as an individual
choose to change the message.
U.S. was founded on universal spiritual principles: religious liberty, economic
brotherhood, and equal rights. If we, each of us as individuals, reclaim these
principles in our own non-technological, human lives; our own personal actions
with one another, we can, from the inside, build a new Human Social Media which will create Cultural White Blood Cells
and our renewed Culture will reject the forces of greed, fear and hatred, the
“not me” forces of the oligarchy and their supporters which flow through the Technological Social Media.
© Copyright
2015, Jean W. Yeager
All Rights Reserved
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